Wednesday, January 16, 2008

A new perspective

A new year, a new perspective. For me this is even more true with the change of job. I've moved from educating the small and medium businesses on sustainability and climate change issues to educating the brick industry. Fortunately, in Australia at least, the brick industry is already quite proactive in using sustainable development practices, and even better, the industry association I have started working for - Think Brick Australia - has a huge research portfolio to demonstrate the sustainability of bricks as a building material. My job is to get that research out to builders, architects, consumers, government... the works.

Of course this does raise the question - which I have mused about often - about what would happen if we have the most sustainable businesses and buildings etc; would this make us sustainable. There is a growing body of research which says no. This, while not quite part of my job description, is what I am ever increasingly interested in.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm the voter who said 'it will be too late' before we come with a solution. It is all a bit slow, I don't see a lot of commitment yet - even me on a daily basis. I would hope I'm wrong but my mind sometimes going back to: 2% new housing vs 98% and the vast contribution housing has on CO2 and I ask the question - how can we (humans) do it??